SOPs - Amazon Standard Operating Procedures
For Amazon SellerCentral users, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are critical for success. By following these guidelines, you can ensure accuracy and efficiency. Properly implemented SOPs also serve to increase confidence in your operations and the service you provide to customers. Following these steps will help Amazon SellerCentral users become more successful by expediting their processes and helping them achieve their goals of increased profitability.
Content (Editorial, Images, Videos...)
How to add Foreign Keywords to your Listings
There are an astonishing 41 million Spanish-speaking individuals residing in the United States; this comes out to a remarkable 12.5 percent of the total population! As such, it is evident that companies who choose to invest in marketing their products and services towards this demographic can potent…

How to add Emojis to your Amazon Listing.
Emojis have become incredibly popular in recent years, and they can be a great way to drive engagement with your Amazon listings. In this article, we’ll show you how to add emojis to your Amazon Listings. Can I use Emojis without risking a suspension ? If you are wondering if Amazon

Managing Pricing
How to Set a Business Price for your Amazon Listings
Amazon Business Prime is a great way for businesses of any size to take advantage of Amazon’s trusted selection and speedy delivery. Launched in 2018, “Business Prime” combines Amazon’s free two-day shipping and easy returns with exclusive features designed to make it easier for businesses to shop.…

How to Set your List price and Sell Price on your Amazon Product Listing
This Amazon SOP will help you configure your “Sell price” and your “List price” on your Amazon listing using SellerCentral. The List Price is the suggested retail price of a new product as provided by a manufacturer, supplier, or seller. Except for books, Amazon will display a List Price if

How to Set Quantity Discounts Pricing for business customers.
Setting quantity discounts pricing is one of the most effective strategies businesses can use to encourage customers to purchase more of their products while increasing profits. This type of pricing strategy provides customers with discount prices based on the quantity they purchase, giving them a…

How to Price your listing for Tiered Referral Fees.
Improving your margin when selling products through a tiered referral fee system can start by understanding how to properly price your listing. Depending on your sell price and your product category changing your price by a few cents could have a big impact on your total margin. Most Amazon referra…

How to set up your Product Tax Code on your Amazon Products.
Why set up a product tax code on SellerCentral ? Setting up a product tax code on SellerCentral is an essential step for any Amazon seller. This code determines how your products are taxed, and it can have a major impact on your bottom line. There are several key considerations when